Challenge .004

Pay all my expenses in one place

Why stress over expenses if you can pay for everything in one place and at once?



Nowadays we consume many different services and without realizing it, many times we end up with many bills and fixed expenses that torment us, and to complete the situation, payments are made at different times of the month. It is stressful sometimes to think from the beginning how much we have to pay and drag it all the time.

Some of the problems we want to solve with our product:

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Have fixed expenses centralized in one place
Being able to transfer the money to that account at once
Report changes and fluctuations in invoices
Pay expenses to companies that provide services to us
Pay expenses to people who offer us services

What do people say?

These are the comments of some people who are facing these problems and that you can consider as existing pain points.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I know I have fixed expenses but since they come at different times of the month I spend the whole month paying and that stresses me out.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I want to know what my fixed expenses are so I can separate that money from when I get paid and completely forget about what I have to pay bills for.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

It's not just electricity, water and rent, I also have smaller expenses like laundry that are fixed as well.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I can't remember the due date of my bills and I really wish I didn't have to think about it.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

Although I have fixed expenses, I know that they vary throughout the year, for example, in winter I consume more electricity and it would be great to have a balance that allows me to budget my payments in advance.

la persona que tiene esa opinión

I want to be able to transfer my money to a single spending account that is flexible and allows me to quickly pay everything I want without depending on the bank.

Some tips...

These tips can help you solve the challenge.

Talk to people close to you who are in charge of household expenses, they will surely be able to and other pain points.
Research the most common types of services and bills.
Review apps that already solve some of these problems and analyze if they do it efficiently and if they fail, you can improve people's experience.

Example Process

This process is based on the Design Thinking methodology and you can take it as a reference to present your case study.

See Figma templates
Diagram thats show the Design Thinking process
Empathize and discover
Define your product
Sketch till you drop
Prototype your most complete solution
Test and rectify
Learn to stop yourself and present solutions

Examples shared on UXstuff

Case studies that were shared for UX designers in the UXstuff Community.

ícono de navegación hacia la izquierdaícono de navegación hacia la derecha
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ícono de navegación hacia la izquierdaícono de navegación hacia la derecha

Some examples

These are some examples of case studies where similar problems are solved. They are just a reference ehh!

ícono de navegación hacia la izquierdaícono de navegación hacia la derecha
ícono de navegación hacia la izquierdaícono de navegación hacia la derecha

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